Baked Alaska for Schools

On this page you can find all 7 Baked Alaska Films along with its accompanying teaching resources and PowerPoint presentation.

Click the button below each film to download either the PDF or PowerPoint file. If you would like to download the films themselves you can do this by clicking on the video title and then selecting ‘download’ from the Vimeo page.

Curriculum connections

The learning objectives in this work connect to GCSE, Scottish RME and RE outcomes for 14-year-olds, including enabling learners to:

  • Explain connections between religion and belief and environmental ethics.
  • Give reasons for their views about climate change and its impacts on humanity.
  • Consider arguments for climate justice.
  • Develop their analysis of the challenges faced by this generation on Earth about the future of the planet.

1. Wake Up Call

What can we do for our grandchildren?

This film explores the idea that we owe the next generations the care of the Earth. Do we care, or ‘ain’t we bovvered’?

2. Risky Business

Greed could kill us all!

This film explores how fossil fuel companies must face the dilemma of profit versus climate safety. Is there such a thing as corporate greed? What effects does this have? Jesus’ Parable of the Rich Fool is applied to life at the top of an oil company, asking whether the pursuit of profit without morality is stupid.

3. Getting Personal

Whose problem? Whose fault?

This film explores the question of responsibility for global pollution. Western lifestyles consume, waste and pollute more than lifestyles in the developing world, but the worst effects are borne by the developing countries.

4. Blind Truth

Uncomfortable Travels

This film explores why rich people might feel guilty about the impact of climate change on the poor. ‘The risk of meeting orphan children…’ What would that be? A risk of realising that our riches might be one reason for poverty.

5. Rising Tide

Bangladesh and Us: Who’s responsible? Climate Justice

This film explores the fact of climate change in one of its most damaging examples: the Deccan delta, in Bangladesh, is suffering from rising tides and sea levels, making the lives of those who live there unsustainable.

6. Out On My Own

Time to decide: activism or apathy?

This film explores the future of the planet through a fantastical dream. But the question is a real one. Will the viewer be passive and just stand by, as climate change takes the planet to the edge, or will the viewer join the movement and become an activist for climate justice?


7. Nauru! A Cautionary Tale

A Parable of the World

This film explores the way in which the island of Nauru is a parable or microcosm of the entire planet. The island has – literally – sold itself for fertiliser. Greed is only a temporary friend to the people of Nauru, and now they owe huge debts, and are run as a holding camp for migrants.