The Social Theatre Company

If you follow us on Facebook you may have begun to see all kinds of things popping up in your newsfeed of late, as Riding Lights fully embraces social networking! Thats right, Riding Lights is now on Twitter, you can see our feed on the side of this page or follow us directly by clicking on this link and hitting the follow button.

You may have noticed that the blog has been given a bit of an overhaul as well, but it isn’t just a makeover, in considerably more than 140 characters, we will be posting regular updates letting you know what’s going on in the world of Riding Lights. Whether you are looking for news about a show, education work, fundraising, summer school or just want to find out a bit more about the people involved with Riding Lights then this blog is the place to be!

Finally, in it’s current state the blog is a work in progress and we welcome any feedback/suggestions you may have about the blog and what you would like from it!