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a passion play

written by Paul Burbridge and Les Ellison

“A fascinating psychological drama… The show asks questions about what we learn through failure, the importance of forgiveness and the power of redemption… Tremendous.” (York Press)


The disciple chosen to lead, is in pieces.

Caught in the crosslight of the flickering candles at the last supper, the torches of Gethsemane, the firelight in the courtyard, by the searching gaze of his Lord, Simon ‘the rock’ is shattered.

As he hangs from the cross, Jesus is surrounded by a jeering crowd, laughing at his claim to be the Son of God. A small group of family and friends stands by until the agony ends. But the great friend who, more than any other, has stood by Jesus throughout the story is conspicuous by his absence.


One man is missing – one who knows the truth.


Crosslight draws us into the dramatic events of Christ’s Passion and into the experience of one disciple who failed, despite everything he believed so passionately…


About the film


Filmed in performance at Clifton Parish Church in York, this is a recording of the 2017 production of Crosslight.

DVD version (A High Quality Download version is also available).


The DVD includes two version of the film:

  • A performance of Crosslight without pauses which runs as a 70 minute film
  • A performance of Crosslight with pauses for reflection (sung worship or liturgy may be used at these points)


Licence for Public Screening

This film of Crosslight is free to screen to groups smaller than 50 people.

If you would like to screen the film for groups larger than 50, a licence costs £40.

For groups larger than 200 a licence costs £80. Please get in touch with Riding Lights Office on 01904 655317 to purchase a licence.

Crosslight (DVD)

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