Information for Churches

Breaking Day is available to book for Easter 2022. Please contact Jared in the office on if you would like to purchase a licence for group/church use.

More About the Play

Breaking Day is a virtual passion play, originally produced during lockdown for Easter 2021, available to churches to purchase for use. It is a 48 minute play in three acts.

Lockdown was an opportunity to be creatively ambitious, both in church services and with online theatre. Forged in this trying time, Breaking Day offers an intimate, innovative performance of the passion story in which whole communities were able to share together, despite social restrictions. It’s available again this year as a dramatic addition to your Easter programme.

Made for your community

Over the last two years, Riding Lights has developed creative ways to make virtual theatre available to your community. We can help you plan in-person screenings or watch-at-home-together events.

If you would like to include moments of guided worship within your screening, Breaking Day also comes with suggestions for short reflections to use in between the three acts, responding to the themes of the play.

How does the tech work?

The film is hosted privately on Vimeo and YouTube by Riding Lights. Once you’ve signed and returned your licence agreement you will receive an access link. If you would like to insert your own reflections, we can send each of the 3 acts separately to integrate with your other segments.

For the duration of the licence period, you can share it on your online church platform as a private video as well as using it at in-person events.

Costs and Booking

Pricing is on a sliding scale for churches based on the size of your regular congregation (online or in person). Booking includes access to the play and a licence for public use between before the end of April 2022. Buying a licence enables you to share the play as widely as you wish. The price is based on the size of your church, not the number of households you can distribute it to.

We have tried to make Breaking Day affordable to as many communities and individuals as possible. We recognise that some churches have experienced a drop in income as a result of the pandemic and so the fees listed below have been significantly subsidised; our contribution to your Easter reflection and celebration. We hope that you will find the film enlightening, challenging and, ultimately, uplifting and encouraging.

Size of church                Price

2 – 15 households         £55.00
16 – 25 households       £110.00
26 – 60 households       £190.00
61 – 100 households     £425.00
100+ households          £650.00

prices do not include VAT

If the cost is an insurmountable barrier to access, please contact the office for a conversation. Joint bookings of 2 or more churches will benefit from a 10% discount on the fee for each church – you can partner with another church, or involve your local Churches Together to share the experience across your whole community.

Selling Tickets

You can sell tickets for online or in-person events, as you might for a Riding Lights touring theatre show.

If you decide to sell tickets to watch the film (we suggest £10 per household), you will keep 100% of the ticket income up to the equivalent of your booking fee. Any additional income will be split 40:60 between the church and Riding Lights.

You can, of course, make the play available for free to your congregations but you will still need a sign-up process to keep track of who has the access link.

More questions or ready to purchase a licence? Call us on 01904 655317, or email